Kairos should start with a cult far away from his starting position
Since CA is looking into updating SoC, it would be nice if the Tzeentch update also included Kairos starting with a cult. This way, he gets some much needed flexibility in his campaign and isn't necessarily stuck on the southern chaos wastes. It's probably a super simple thing to implement as well.
I have played his campaign quite a few times already and the first ~20 turns are always the same. Deal with the nurgle faction, take out the slaaneshi one and meanwhile rush force peace. beeline for Oxyotl and force peace with teclis whenever he declares war, then take out teclis. It gets quite boring after some time.
A cult would either provide some nice economic boosts if you decide to spread them or the option to just fuck off somewhere else on the map with the teleport building. If they'd want to do it in true Tzeentchian fashion, they could even make the start position of the cult random.