[Mod Post] Negative Discussions - a reminder

Recently we allowed a post to remain up complaining about the size of models and general Torrid complaints. I want to reiterate that these posts are still not allowed. However, every once in a while we let one stay up. It’s good to vent occasionally.

Some of y’all may not remember this sub before the new mod team took over. It was AWFUL. Non stop negativity and harassment. It was horrible. u/drunkatburgerking took over the sub and got it under control. That’s why we cracked down so hard on negativity - we don’t want to go back to the way it was before. And I think we’ve done a decent job keeping this a positive place to be.

On that note though, use this post as a place to let the mod team know if you’re happy with the direction of the sub. Anything you want to see? Something you disagree with? Remember we all work full time jobs so it has to be a reasonable request.

Thanks for being awesome!

  • Sarah