I’m about to ban Paw Patrol from my household
I’m at my wits end! I’ve noticed that my almost 3 year old gets super cranky and is more prone to tantrums after watching that show. He ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY wants to watch Paw Patrol, he doesn’t want to watch anything else, when we do get him to sit and watch something else he’s constantly whining and complaining that he wants to watch Paw Patrol.
It’s been hard these last few days because we all got sick from influenza so we can’t go outside, so screen time has been our savior, since my husband and I felt like shit for the first couple of days (like, we were on our deathbeds 😂) and all of this makes me even more upset when I think about the fact that I didn’t even introduce him to Paw Patrol, it was my mom, because the only shows he used to watch were low stim shows that I carefully selected and curated.
I’m tempted to just hide the show from Netflix and from my Fire TV’s home menu, but I’m afraid of the meltdown, because it can be a lot.
I’m curious, what shows have you banned from your household?