I'm in toddler hell. Please help

My daughter is 2.5. She is the youngest of my three, she has two older brothers. Both her brothers had speech delays, and she spoke very early. I thought that her ability to speak would help lesson tantrums, boy was I wrong.

Every single thing pisses her off. The slightly inconvenience , she starts screaming. And kicking. Even things that aren't bad or inconvenient to her, she will randomly lash out about. I refuse to give in to what she wants, I try to stay calm, let her have her moment, and talk to her about communicating or asking for help once she has settled down. But it doesn't prevent her from future tantrums.

When she wakes up she is screaming and throwing a fit. When she cant find something, even if it's right in front of her, she is screaming. When I point it out, her personality immediately changes, she giggles and she is happy again. I would say she has 20+ tantrums a day. She takes a 2 hour nap and sleeps through the night. sometimes bedtime is easy, sometimes it's really tough.

I know 2 year olds are tough, but my mom intuition is telling me that maybe this isn't normal?

Any tips for preventing tantrums? Or maybe getting professional help?