What’s Everyone’s One Job They Hate as a Parent?
I know everyone has something different. I love doing his laundry. I have no problem changing a million diapers. But rocking to sleep is the one thing that just triggers me. Initially I’m fine. I’ll rock my little guy to sleep for his nap and before sleep at night… but when I put him down and he wakes up over… and over… and over… Also, when I’m rocking him and he has to pull my hair… hard, so I’m always fighting his hands trying to grab at it. Idk. I just start to lose it. And I feel awful. It makes me feel like I’m a slave to him for thirty minutes to an hour and on crazy nights maybe more. I hate feeling like I have no control and I’m at someone else’s whim. I understand that’s parenthood to a certain extent, but I just have a really hard time. I often mumble things like, “This is ridiculous. Go to sleep. Stop pulling my hair. No. No. No. We’re done. Go to sleep,” etc. Sometimes with some curse words here and there. After I finally get him down, I feel like a shitty mom. Idk if it’s worse because it’s the end of the day and I’m drained. I don’t act like this when I’m putting him down for his daytime nap. I just think I get burnt out by night time and when he fights and struggles I crack. It’s not fair to him. Especially since I know it’s just him having a hard time and wanting Mommy to help him feel better, and all it’s communicating to him is that I’m upset with that. It’s so horrible knowing I’m expressing frustration to my little guy when all he’s doing is trying to communicate “Mommy I need you.” Idk what I’m asking for. Advice? Just to vent? Someone to say it’s normal? Idk. I just feel like a horrible mom that can’t control getting upset…