Inconsolable crying: when to worry?
Picked up my 2 yo from daycare today and all seemed fine. At home, she started crying because I didn’t let her open the front door herself AND SHE HASNT STOPPED CRYING SINCE.
She ate ok, she drank ok, but she is just constantly crying. I did everything I could to make her happy. She wanted me to carry her constantly. I figured she was just really tired so I put her to bed, but an hour later she woke up crying again!
I now put her next to me in my bed and she fell asleep again, but as soon as I try to get out she cries again??
Anyone recognize this? She never did this. Is she just tired? Is she getting sick? I checked for fever but she seems fine. She seems a little congested and so am I at the moment. I just haven’t dealt with this much crying!