Would you send your child to daycare of you didn't have to? If yes, when?
For context, our daughter is almost 2 and that's the age when most kids start daycare where I'm from (EU). However, we are very lucky that my husband's income is more than enough to support us at the moment. I do freelance part time because I absolutely love my job, our daughter stays with nanny or adoring grandma 6 days a week for 3-4hrs in the afternoon. Before nap I take her to parks, playgrounds, playdates, beaches, toddler classes (swimming, music, gym) so she has lots of interactions with other kids. We are only home if she's sick pretty much. Basically, our set up seems to be be great for everyone involved.
Since she's approaching 2, I get asked a lot about WHEN she will start daycare and how important for kids development it is and how she will learn this and that and her language will explode etc (we are trilingual family and she already knows 100+ words and makes 2-3 word sentences so I'm not concerned). But she does love kids so I'm considering taking her part time from when she's 2.5ish. I have her in the queue for the free public daycare from when she's 3 just in case. On the other hand, she will get sick a lot and if we don't HAVE to maybe we shouldn't? Would she miss out a lot?
Please give me your thoughs,
Thank you!