What's your current hack as a toddler parent? I'll share mine

I have 2 that have been home runs lately- one so good my husband told me to put it on Reddit tonight (lolz). I know this sounds braggy- but please know I am fully aware that tomorrow my little one could wake up & revolt to these tactics so I am just squeezing the goodness out of them while I can. Thinking maybe they can help a fellow parent in the trenches of toddlerhood!

1) If mom or dad asks her to change pull-up/brush teeth/get dressed etc. its always a fight. However, if we 'call' Mickey or Minnie and ask them to help her- she does it straight away. I will pretend to call Mickey and he will tell me to meet him in the bathroom. Then I will do my Mickey voice & tell her how to brush her teeth well & "oh boy! I like when you open your mouth so wide!" She will do anything for Mickey or Minnie so if you are at all good with voices try doing your kiddo's favorite character for tough things that are always a battle. (looking at the playfulness tip in How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen)

2) At dinner if she takes 2 bites then claims she is done we will say "oh, but I know this next bite is Peppa Pig- and she wants to go in your tummy." Then she gets excited to keep naming characters- we ask her who the next bite will be & she says "George!" and we get excited "Oh George- that bite will be so yummy!" It is crazy effective for us. Some nights its Daniel characters, some nights its Pooh, etc. But simply naming each bite gets her to sometimes finish her plate. We don't even do voices- it's just naming the characters and we usually don't have to say "ok 3 more bites..." because it's a game she likes.