
Well, long story short, I was very wary of food for the first two years of my daughter's life because of a medical condition, which she no longer has. Now, we're able to be more lax with the food she eats and we encourage her to try new things, so when she picked out grapes at the shop, I wasn't going to say no. She's eaten strawberries and raspberries before with no issue, but I know that grapes are in an awkward shape and the worst if you choke on them. She eats strawberries whole, but I know I need to cut up the grapes for her. My issue is, she doesn't like to feel "wet" textures. I think that's partly why she likes to eat strawberries whole, so she doesn't touch something that's "wet". How can I get around this? I was thinking of just cutting off a small part of the top and bottom to try and change the shape, but will this work?