TMobile refuses to give me refund...
I happily left T(un)Mobile a few months ago, they may be better in other areas but northeast florida (Amelia Island) and north georgia they absolutely suck. 1 of about 20 calls would go through, rest straight to voicemail. signal abysmal at best. Sure free international data and calls are great, and streaming services... well, every carrier gives you something.
Anyway, reason for my rant is that I got a letter the other day with a negative balance of $11.76. Now I don't care that much about it, but I had a few minutes to kill so I started a chat with customer service who told me that because I closed the account I can't get a refund. That's freaking hillarious, so you are telling me if I have $1000 outstanding phone bill and close my account, then you have no way of receiving the money???
TMobile sucks donkeyb@lls.