Iphone 16 Pre-Order through Apple - Our Experience
Sharing this as I'm sure there are going to be many questions over the coming days on Iphone pre-orders.
Plan: My wife and I have 2 lines on the Go5G Plus Plan
My wife is trading in her iphone 14 Pro Max for the 16 Pro Max. We simply don't do this through Tmobile because the customer service is usually poor and going through the Apple Store gives you an unlocked phone from day 1, whether you go with an Equipment Installment Plan (EIP) or not.
For context, my wife and I hate debt and monthly payments so we never use the EIP as a form of paying for the phone - however, with Tmobile's discounts (a total of $800, with $400 occurring as a direct trade-in credit, and $400 as monthly credits over 24 months), you have to use an EIP - so this is what we did.
Through Apple's website, we setup the order, got the EIP through Tmobile (all on the apple site), and directly understood the impact it would have on our monthly payment before confirming the order.
What apples site allows you to do, that TMO does not, is make a down payment and see how this affects your payment. We made a down payment of $400 plus taxes and this gave us a net-0 increase in our monthly bill.
Of course, if you don't want to make a down payment you simply pay for the taxes and move on.
I cannot recommend this process more. It is so much more simple than working with TMO, and Apple makes it simple, and clear what you are paying for.