Can I get in?

I am an eighth grader who is hoping to Apply to thomas Jefferson next year in hopes of becoming a part of this community! I have a profound love for chemistry and any subject branching outwards or inwards from it. I really want to get into the, but I'm not sure how to approach things to prepare myself. I want to talk about my interest and have people understand what I'm saying, and I want a deeper sense of community. I'm scared though, what if I'm not capable? I know general chemistry like chiral molecules and stoichiometry and what not, and I know the basics of orgo chemistry (functional groups, r/s configuration, Fischer projection, iupac nomenclature-etc.). Do you have to know advanced subjects to get in? I'm scared and I don't know what to do. I'm not a good test taker, but I'm quite adept when it comes to writing. But what do you suggest I do to increase my chances? this is my dream school. I'll come back in a year to update you guys.