An unlucky titration up to 5mg
I noticed some unusually bad bloating the past few days, as well as general malaise, but chalked it up to raising the levels of tirz in my system; it was my last week on 2.5mg. I almost delayed titrating up to 5mg because of it, but I was still experiencing more food noise than I’d like so I went for it.
When I tell you instant regret when I woke up the next morning…shivers, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, the whole nine yards.
It wasn’t until I started coughing (and bleeding) that I realized not only did I start my period but ALSO had some sort of virus 🦠. Tested positive for Covid today.
Mostly I just wanted to vent because no one in my life knows I’m taking this medication. Anyways, pray for me. Me and my zofran against the world this week.