Platform(s): pc/laptop/windows for SURE - this is what I played it on
Genre: Fighting/action
Estimated year of release: Before 2016, no later than this, but no idea what specific year.
Graphics/art style: It was 2D and really plain with minimalistic graphics but it was still clear, non-pixel art. It wasn't trying to be realistic, there was noticeable stylistic pieces. It was all very smooth and line-artsy.
Notable characters: Airplanes, red, blue, green.
Notable gameplay mechanics: You played as opposing teams of airplanes usually bombing each other's bases or playing hockey. There was a free for all where you flew around and shot each other.
Other details: Kind of reminds me of Bomber XXL but it wasn't this. It had note able stall features and could have been a browser game? There was a snow map, a tennis-looking map, and for sure some other green-grassland-esque themed maps. Note able plane colors from what I remember were blue, green and red. There were different plane types too, a larger bomber that looked like a submarine and then more classical themed planes.
The plane would follow your mouse cursor and had some mechanics for shooting and then throwing a ball to the other nets as well as bombing, too.
What really awoke these game memories was the "Simple Planes" with the red plane and the SP over it is what made me think of this game. I know there were bits and pieces where you'd collect a ball and fly around with it and try to protect the plane flying with it, and I think it was all against bots. I was very young when I played this so it very well could have been a downloaded game... does anyone have any ideas?