[PC Game][2002-2007]2D Mining Game like Motherload

Platform(s): PC (Played on Windows)

Genre: Mining

Estimated year of release: Played it in 2007, probably not earlier than 2002

Graphics/art style: Like Motherload, but with fancier, higher quality, smooth graphics

Notable characters: A mining machine that could fly by using jets (I think?)

Notable gameplay mechanics:

  1. Felt like a sandbox-y mining game where you mined resources and brought it back up to buy upgrades
  2. There was a temperature meter, and to dig deeper you had to upgrade your machine to resist higher temperature
  3. I think there were also some sort of alien artifacts/upgrades that you could find?.. Not sure about this one, maybe I'm confusing it with another game

Other details:

Overall, it was very similar to Motherload, but it was an actual Windows game. Came preinstalled with the laptop that I've played it on