What happened to TikTok moderation???

Until recently, I have been just fine on TikTok, sure I got some account warnings but it was never for anything bad, and I never got banned.

Starting recently, I've been banned for the most random things! My warnings were either out of pocket for the most inoffensive comments, or for basic insults that barely even grazed the edge of offensive in any way (words like dumb, egghead, slow, knothead, etc), and now I'm on my I think 3rd account. The worst part is that the comments that actually need to be taken down, which are the racist, homophobic, sexist, etc ones are being kept up, and even being pushed by the aphorism, and reporting doesn't do anything either. TikTok is starting to become like Instagram to me. The moderation was never like this for me until a week or two ago.

Is anyone else facing this same issue? Appealing isn't doing anything either.