TIFU by not getting an autsim test yet
For context, I've recenly come to suspect based on my behavior I've noticed, others have noticed, and from what I was told I was like as a child that I'm likely on the spectrum, and others (including my friend who is autistic) think I may be as well. I'm a young adult and still with my mom and younger sister, and some months ago she made a sudden move to another state because she hated the old state.
She just found out how insurance works down here and how much more it'll be for both of us and is mad at me for not helping. How am I not helping? By "putting off" an autism test. I called the people she recommended and got nothing, and several days later got a voicemail back from them but they were closed by the time I had time to get back to them. Apparentely if I do have autism I get benefits and can get my mom to no longer pay insurance or something similar. Mind you I've expressed a year ago I believe I'm on the spectrum and my family shrugged it off, but now that we moved my mom is acting like it's urgent for me to get tested. I do want to relieve finacial stress from her and get answers for myself to see why I act the way I act (which she I think cares less about), but between my mind running busy all day and not be gotten back to by the testing center, I haven't been able to do much.
Last weekend my mom called me to her room to talk about stuff including that, and she got mad then because I haven't gotten tested yet. Just tonight, she called me out of my room to fuss at me for not helping her by getting tested because now she's soon about to pay a bunch of money to transport my sister for school next year. She says she's getting fed up with me and my sister because her dad won't help and I'm not taking weight off of her by being tested.
TL;DR I havent' been able to schedule an appointment for an autism test, mom is mad at me because if I am autistic I can get benefits that can help her although I've been showing signs that definitely aren't that of a neurotypical for years, and have been denied having it by my family.