Any Lees wanna try my new scenario? (Rp)
Picture this you're working out at the gym, you've finished a really intense part of the routine you planned for this visit when all of a sudden patron of the gym walks over to you having just finished a set themselves and starts chatting you up and while what they're saying could be considered flirty it's entirely clear it is or not, but one things clear they're impressed by what you just did and after chatting for a few minutes the conversation turns a little competitive and you (whether you realize it or not) start bragging a little too much and your new friend purposes a little bet, they get to tickle you completely nude no limits on where they can and can't tickle if you can last 1 hour without asking them to stop they'll owe you a favor (whether it's sexual or not is up to you~) and you'll owe them a favor if you can't last an hour, and as you're about to make your decision they reveal a crucial factor that ultimately convinces you to do the bet, you're allowed to laugh and laugh as loud and as much you want the only way you lose is if you ask or beg to stop tickling at any point during the session~ Well has my scenario caught your attention?~ If so comment below or dm.