I finished the ACOTAR series before I started TOG. I'm having whiplash

Please do not read if you have not finished Queen of shadows. Pics posted are not AI nor do I claim them as my own.

Okay. So I finished the ACOTAR series before I started TOG. I'm having whiplash, my first question:

>! does TOG get any spicer? !<

I loved Queen of shadows, it had everything I wanted basically except the sex scenes. At any point in the future does SJM go into detail with any character relationships like she did with ACOTAR?

>! I love the adventure but I'm getting whiplash going from horny fairies to adventure and redemption arcs SOS lol !<

Things I loved: >! Aelin got to say her goodbye to Sam <!

>! Arobynn getting his just desserts from Lyssandra and his will completely being rewritten to Celeana! Lollll !<

>! Celeana finding a friend and realizing Wesley was trying to fight for her and Sam all along !<

>! controlling her fire magic !<

>! Rowan completely misjudging our queen and falling for her plus Aelin feeling safe and loved with Rowan (Fr though they need a private cabin in the woods) !<

>! Lyssandra being freed !<

>! magic being restored !<

Chaol having a redemption arc and finding someone new

Things that shocked or broke me me:


>! Dorian losing yet another love interest right in front of him !<

• Chaols legs • the Valg infiltrating every childhood thought of Celeana • KATLAIN. Why did they not explain better where her shadow fire came from? Did she always have it did it come from the valg? This is so vague

• the torture of breeding the yellowlegs. I would have loved a perceptive from them but maybe we weren't suppose to get that or see that or it was too mature to right. They last baba yellowlegs and most of their coven. !‹

Favorite book so far, but I need more Rowan and Celeana time. Also, Dorian falling for the next woman with long white hair just like his last love interest? Lol interesting to see where the next k

Please do not read if you have not finished Queen of shadows. Pics posted are not AI nor do I claim them as my own.

Okay. So I finished the ACOTAR series before I started TOG. I'm having whiplash, my first question:

>! does TOG get any spicer? !<

I loved Queen of shadows, it had everything I wanted basically except the sex scenes. At any point in the future does SJM go into detail with any character relationships like she did with ACOTAR?

>! I love the adventure but I'm getting whiplash going from horny fairies to adventure and redemption arcs SOS lol !<

Things I loved: >! Aelin got to say her goodbye to Sam <!

>! Arobynn getting his just desserts from Lyssandra and his will completely being rewritten to Celeana! Lollll !<

>! Celeana finding a friend and realizing Wesley was trying to fight for her and Sam all along !<

>! controlling her fire magic !<

>! Rowan completely misjudging our queen and falling for her plus Aelin feeling safe and loved with Rowan (Fr though they need a private cabin in the woods) !<

>! Lyssandra being freed !<

>! magic being restored !<

Chaol having a redemption arc and finding someone new

Things that shocked or broke me me:


>! Dorian losing yet another love interest right in front of him !<

• Chaols legs • the Valg infiltrating every childhood thought of Celeana • KATLAIN. Why did they not explain better where her shadow fire came from? Did she always have it did it come from the valg? This is so vague

• the torture of breeding the yellowlegs. I would have loved a perceptive from them but maybe we weren't suppose to get that or see that or it was too mature to right. They last baba yellowlegs and most of their coven. !‹

Favorite book so far, but I need more Rowan and Celeana time. Also, Dorian falling for the next woman with long white hair just like his last love interest? Lol interesting to see where the next k