Why do people keep saying Rowan has no personality?
I’ve noticed that if a character isn’t lighthearted, flirty, or a jokester people dismiss their personalities.
Rowan’s personality is very clearly defined IMO. He’s a natural leader and pure Alpha which makes him perfect for Aelin who’s also an alpha. Dorian & Chaol are betas IMO. They act less decisively and take orders better than they lead. Rowan was constantly challenging Aelin’s decisions. Even if he ultimately respected her decisions Rowan wasn’t some doormat.
I’ve seen people claim Rowan has no interests because he doesn’t seem to read and be into music like Dorian. But Rowan’s hawk loved listening to Emyrs’s stories - he basically preferred the audiobook to the hardcopy. Rowan also loved when Aelin played the piano and asked her to teach him It’s obvious Rowan is an outdoorsman and hunter likely owing to his hawk. I loved the scenes when he was happily running through the woods playing with Aelin. Also Aelin described him as having a feral smile several times relating to chasing her or hunting the valg. Rowan and Aelin both seem naturally curious which made them great detectives who worked well together. They reminded me of Mulder and Scully.
Rowan’s humor is underrated. Once he and Aelin get past their issues I found their banter cute and funny. I like Rowan’s cheeky humor and that he mostly only displays it with Aelin while everyone else finds him cold and intimidating. I was never bored by Rowan which is more than I can say about a certain other character whose name rhymes with “mail”.