Reading Mistborn after TOG and…

Honestly just here to vent. So I read TOG a couple of months ago, then read CC and The Folk of The Air stuff, and decided to give Brandon Sanderson a go since I’ve heard such great things about his books.

I asked a friend where should I start and I also watched a bunch of YouTube vids on that and decided to go for Mistborn. Now, I quite like the premise and the magic system and the world building, but it just annoys me that Vin is soooo weak and unconfident and distrustful and I realised it might be because I’m so used to Aelin 😂😂😂 I love and adore Aelin with my life, and I can’t seem to let TOG yet, so that might be why.

I was telling my friend who read all BS about TOG and he thought it was extremely similar so I was like oh god am I just gonna read a different version of TOG? But it’s so different actually, because the FMCs are so freaking different! So I was kinda expecting an Aelin but got… something else

Tbh I’ve read less than half of the first book so I know it will get better (it has to) but just wanted to share that 😂 anyone else went through the same? With Mistborn or any other book?

Also, it you’ve read Mistborn, let me know your thoughts (spoiler free ofc) 💖