Your Commonwealth Job

So I've just made it to the Commonwealth Arc watching the show. I'm one of those many people who dropped out of watching TWD after the Line Up episode. I hadn't looked back until September of this year and then started watching it from the very beginning with my husband (who had never seen it at all). I didn't think I'd make it beyond that fateful episode, but I have and now we're a few episodes into season 11. I've been thinking about the Commonwealth and the fact that jobs appear to be assigned to people, in line with their jobs in the previous world. Though I'm sure not every single job has made a return. I'll add that I have NOT finished the series yet, so I don't know how the whole Commonwealth thing will play out (though knowing TWD... probably not great) but I'm basing this on my current knowledge, which is: Eugene assigned to be a teacher, Ezekiel in animal control, Miko as a lawyer, and so on.

Based on your current job in the real world, what do you think your job would be in the Commonwealth? Or would you perhaps lie in order to get a more prestigious job?