S9 Ep15 WTF

I hate carl. Simple as that, the whole time he was alive he either whined, cried or was making a situation worse. But then he died and I could move on.

Then finally we got Henry who I really enjoyed watching because like carl he was flawed but not in such a detrimental way that he was unbearable but in a way that he was relatable. I was finally enjoying the show with a new young protagonist that could’ve easily carried the show for seasons.

I get a couple episodes and then his head is on a pike… WTF

Carol was finally happy, he connected with Daryl, he brought us a new love interest, he was a fresh new character that I enjoyed following and then the writers fucked it.

Enid and Tara I was just warming up to and they’re gone too.

I might need a couple months before I start watching again because that’s what I needed after Glenn.