Let’s talk about Fear the Walking Dead
Because what on EARTH is this show?! I’m so amazed and surprised. It starts with random boring family dealing with the start of it for a couple seasons (and I found it very hard to get through tbh) Then it’s about Native Americans vs Zombies vs evil white dude which was incredibly interesting and got me back in. Then it was boring family again. Then it was Morgan’s show for a while and Negan’s sidekick dude showed up (who I had completely forgot about but great character development fr) Then it’s a freaking nuclear fallout show?! Also there’s a serial killer and embalmed zombies and taxidermy zombies and radioactive zombies and a zombie baby and so much creepy stuff the original show didn’t do. Freaking wow. Like it was so boring at first then just exploded (literally, nuclear bomb) into awesomeness. It’s like they took a bunch of fanfic from the original and put it all into one show. Every time I thought “no way it could get crazier than this” it did! Only the later seasons though, I don’t know what the first seasons were trying to be.
Anyway if you haven’t seen it I highly recommend the later seasons!!! Like from 4 on, when Morgan shows up and it becomes his show it just gets cooler from there. I’d love to discuss it, and all the cool horror elements!! Anyone else feel the same?