Most Insufferable TWD Character?

Alright yall, out of this lineup (Andrea, Henry, Gabriel, Eugene, or Lydia) who did you find the most irritating?

IMO Gabriel had the most character growth. I absolutely couldn't stand him when he was introduced because of the constant crying. He did impress me in the later seasons as he got pretty badass with that shotgun.

Eugene was also a big crier but his quirkiness grew on me throughout the seasons as well. His intelligence played a huge role in the successes of their group. I can say he became one of my favourite characters despite his whining.

Andrea is a character that will never be redeemed for me, she was seriously just dumb. My least favourite character of all.

Henry was also always an idiot and I don't know why they trusted him to do anything right after he let the saviors escape. I will say his death was very sad, but I was mainly upset for Carol losing another child than him actually being dead.

Lydia gets a little more grace because her weird ass mom definitely screwed her head all up, but also highly annoying in her decision making.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change any of these characters because if everyone was great, how entertaining would the show be?