Need some help! I’m stuck in analysis paralysis

I have an annoying compulsion for my army to be unique, I’ve ordered quite a lot of awesome 3D printed bits to spruce them up and have always had a head-cannon that my little 2k detachment is Azrael’s personal honor guard that he would enter battle with. His hellblaster squad all have winged helm and lion-head pauldrons for example. I’m toying around with making a full deathwing theme and going bone + dark red and gold with veterans, Termi’s, knights, and all 3 dreads.

This leads me to the question of how do I convince myself that my inceptors (some of my fav units, mine have Lion heads) would fit into a deathwing scheme. Hellblasters are easy because Azrael gives them deathwing by attachment but as far as I know, no DW hero’s can attach to inceptors.

Also, slightly concerned with lack of AT without my Lancer but that’s a problem for another day.

TLDR: Need a creative reason why Inceptors would be Deathwing!!