Appreciation Post for John Heard as Detective Vin Makazian

I just thought I’d give the spotlight for a moment to the late, great John Heard. He died a few years back in 2017. Of course most people know him as the dad from Home Alone. To which I’ve seen people joke about fun little fan theories occasionally that Vin Makazian was the same character later on, that he was living a double life, that that’s how he was paying for those vacations, or he got divorced and changed his name and moved to New Jersey, etc.

Anyways, he just did such a great performance as Makazian in the small and short-lived role he had in the first season. In basically playing a loser. But with a lot of bittersweetness and tragedy and heart that we could all relate to. Vin had heart. And Heard was nominated for the Emmy for Outstanding Guest Actor for the role.

I’ve always wished it would’ve been a longer, more recurring role throughout the whole show, or at least another season or two. If the character hadn’t been directly linked in with the Big Pussy storyline, or if Pussy had been pushed to season 3 which sorta lacks that big season-wide arc with Nancy Marchand’s death, and just let 2 feature even more of Richie. And then we’d have gotten another season of Makazian along the way.

But I really wish he’d have lasted the whole show or at least a lot of it. The writers could always have had the character kill himself much later in the show and have the same arc. And along the way, we’d get the little side missions with Tony giving him tasks a few times a season. He’d have come in handy. At least we got his cameo in The Test Dream, singing Three Times a Lady, no less. It’s really sweet seeing John Heard pop up again after all that time, showing Tony’s subconscious never forgot about him.

I think he was a great actor, who never reached his full potential, there was probably a little bit of his underachieving in Makazian, and I wish he would’ve gotten a lot more bigger roles in his career. He had the stuff. And he talks about just that thing in the following interview quote;

”I guess I went from being a young leading man to being just kind of a hack actor. ... When I came to Hollywood, I was pretty much a stage actor, and I expected everybody to be quiet. And they weren't. They were doing their job, and you're expected to do your job, and you're sort of this ongoing co-existence. I was a little bit of an arrogant jerk. Now, it's a little bit more like, "Okay, I realize you have to pat me down with powder every three seconds." And I stand there, and I'm a little more tolerant ... I think I had my time. I dropped the ball, as my father would say. I think I could have done more with my career than I did, and I sort of got sidetracked. But that's OK, that's all right, that's the way it is. No sour grapes. I mean, I don't have any regrets. Except that I could have played some bigger parts.”