Just watch Many Saints of Newark

Man was that bad. It felt like fan fiction. Just a bunch of random references to the original series. Scenes like Johnny shooting Livia's hair in the car or Junior telling Tony's cousins that he "didn't have the makings of a varsity athlete" were included for no reason other than their reference in the TV show. There was no character development. Characters like Carmella were given just enough screen time for their names to be mentioned without providing any importance to their character. Other times, there was just a simple name drop like referencing Hesh for absolutely no reason except to remind the watching that these characters exist. It was so bad they were even recycling jokes like the horse's long face. The only attempt to make an actual story was the killing of Dickie, and this climatic moment occurs because he laughed when Junior fell down stairs??

Such a bad movie. Felt like fan fiction all around.