Meet Marie González
Marie Is my Favorite teen sim I've made. She's a Delinquent. Currently Marie is Trying to Turn her life around with a horse ranch. She Would often go on month long benders (Molly, coke, weed & Alcohol) until her Molly overdose out of all things. She decided to live with her older sister Raelyn on a ranch. She is smart enough to build robots and build a robot for the ranch. she loves to pick on Molly Prescott after she took Maries Homemade Grilled Veggies. Marie also doesn't like Molly Prescott because of her name that reminds her of something else. She also has it out for The principal for constantly Nagging Her when she goes to the restroom. Marie is Now on Her way to become a horse riding champion and robotics expert.
I love Who ever built the School and The ranches if your in this Sub Reddit I want to let you know I always place those two in my games.