townie backstories
I have decided to punish myself and redo my entire world. i’m doing one town at a time and i finally finished putting all new buildings into willow creek but now i’m struggling with the families i’m going to put in there. I basically wanna make a new save file with a rich new world to explore with interesting characters.
For rn i’m keeping willow creek a family based neighborhood, like suburban area.
So far I have •Newlyweds struggling to conceive • Family with a very tired stay at home mom and an overworked father (i even used mcc to have their romantic lvl in the negatives) •cute lil eccentric elderly couple who are always trying to get in everyone’s gossip
and i’ve also been using mcc to give friendships between neighbors idk if it matters much when it comes to gameplay but the elderly wife is friends with teen daughter from the tired family.
and.. that’s it. Any ideas for my willow creek neighborhood?