Is This Appropriate to Bring Up and Address With My Therapist?

Hi everyone, I’m a 29 year old female, and I’m feeling really anxious about something that happened on Friday night. For the first time in my life I wet the bed, and it was a lot… definitely more than just a minor accident. I didn’t even wake up during it, and when I finally realized what had happened, I was in complete shock and embarrassment. I had to wake up my husband in the middle of the night to tell him what happened which he was actually very sweet about it and helped me clean up.

I’ve been seeing my therapist once a week for two years now, and I’m very comfortable with her. I share literally everything with her, she knows so much stuff about me that no one else knows. I know she probably wouldn’t judge me or react negatively but I still am having a really hard time bringing this up because it’s causing me so much anxiety.

My biggest barrier is my OCD. (Luckily, I do NOT have contamination OCD) But the past few nights, I’ve been waking up every 15-30 minutes to check that I haven’t wet the bed, and this obsession is seriously affecting my sleep and my ability to function during the day. I obsess over it all day at home and at work and constantly google looking for answers on why this happened and if this is normal to happen to someone my age just out of the blue. I know I need help processing this and I probably need to do ERP (not even sure how I would do ERP for this though), but I’m struggling to find the courage to discuss it with her.

Do you think it’s appropriate to bring this up? I really want to address it, but I’m feeling stuck. How would you handle this or feel about this if a client disclosed this to you? Any advice would be very much appreciated!