Season 6 wishlist/Things nobody talks about

  1. HEALTH REGEN TIMER. Most people already have an instictive idea of how long it takes to regen but a cooldown timer would be nice.

  2. Real Damage and not Combat score.

Combat score is a good concept and it doesnt have to go but seeing exactly how much damage youre putting out will be even better. Plus im not a fan of doing the most damage in my team with 0 kills and having less score because of things like "team wipe bonus" and the points for kills

  1. Finally weapon and gadget stats. Not sure if embark tracks them but it would be nice to know how many kills you have with each weapon, say how many people/teammates have tp'ed through your gateway, rpg kills etc so we can customize our player card even better

Lmk what else people want to see in season 6