Suggestion: Change TA from a 'Search and Destroy' type mode to a 'Rush' type mode.
Rush, for those who don't know, is a game mode from the Battlefield series in which two teams fight across multiple sectors. The Attacking team has to plant a bomb on an objective called an MCOM, while the Defending Team must defend it.
Here's how we could rebuild TA to function as a 5v5 Rush mode using the existing infrastructure.
Attacking Team no longer has a key they need to move, instead the terminal will just be activated upon using it after the already existing time frame.
Three sectors a match, always randomized.
7 minutes a sector, if the Defending team holds, the game ends when the timer reaches 0. If attacking team takes it, the timer is reset to 7 minutes and onto the next sector with no pause in-between.
Game ends if Attacking Team captures and holds the final Terminal.
Upon the first round ending, sides are switched and score is given based on how many objectives were captured. So if the Attacking team captured 2 objectives, they earn 2 points. The new Attacking team must now beat or equal that score.
If teams tie, the final round is turned into a 2-team attacking sudden death match. Both teams will attempt to activate their own capture on a single objective.
The positives, as I see them, is that it still keeps the heart of attacking/defending fixed objectives while not slowing down the game with intermittent plays. Everything is done in one round and players don't have to feel cheapened by random deaths.
I'm personally unsure if coins would work in something like this, but I think a gamemode adjustment would make this mode far more suitable for The Finals.