Not having fun? Match chaos with CHAOS.
I didn't really understand the game at first. I thought it had potential yet it wasn't executed well.
I was wrong. I tried to play the game like any other arcade zoom-zoom shooter, which it does have elements of but it is its own beast.
I tried to be horizontally strategic and logical, but this game is VERY diagonal (which some of ya'll will understand). You HAVE to embrace the verticality and the destruction. They're not there just for flavor— they're inherently a huge portion of the gameplay's DNA.
"But that's too chaotic!" It seems that way until you embody the chaos— become one with the chaos. Once do this, you'll be able to ride the chaotic waves and surf through your enemies.
Give the game at least 6-8 hours before you drop the game. Try to identify what every class is capable of. Try to identify what your group's composition can handle and do. Then mix that in with what you can do with the game's wackiness and destruction, then you'll have a good time.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.