"This guy (these 2) thinks,he's better than you."

I apologize for posting him but he talks about us. I thought its funny how similiar those 3 actually are. The most important thing - being cool. Acting like they know better.🙄I cut it after 5 min but they go on that we use same joke for yairs and they never do <redacted bomb effect so the audience know there was punchline> shoutout to his most fragile fanbase ever👏😄Since I have to make it 750 characters OH! OF COURSE! beancheesebeancheesebeancheesebeancheesebeancheesebeancheesebeancheesebeancheesebeancheesebeancheesebeancheesebeancheesebeancheesebeanceesebeancheesebeancheesebeancheesebeancheesebeancheesrbeancheesebeancheesebeancheeseNUTSbeancheesebeancheeseItdrivesmeNUTSbeancheeseNUTSgigigigibeancheesebeancheesebeancheesebeanchresebeancheese