Blackclw was an absolute douche to Mistystar and I hate it(why are they mates?)
He treats her like a lowly apprentice when she was deputy and CONSTANTLY YELLS AT HER, and worst of all...
He was backstabbing her and was planning with Hawkfrost who wanted to kill her!And hats bad enough, UNTIL YOU REALIZE IT'S HIS OWN FKING WIFE!Somehow, Vicky thinks Blackclw is a "sensible" option for mistystar's kits and on her Facebook she CONFIRMED that Mistystar and Blackclaw will be mates in Starclan, I-
And Blackclaw doesn't even have the decency to give Mistystar a life in Mistystar's Omen!
I'm just confused, what did Mistystar see in him?Or did she just get together with Blackclaw to hae kits which is far more likely.