As a gay man, I can’t stand Frank

This season I thought had the worst gay representation with Nicole Z and Shane. Nicole has the sex appeal and confidence of a 14 year old teen who just hit puberty. Shane is a sassy little bitch, I liked him on Invasion but on FR I couldn’t stand him. Especially that altercation with Dayvonne calling her a bitch. He picks and chooses his battles depending on who’s around and gay or straight I don’t respect that.

Frank is still such a cunt though. Like I never thought someone could make Nicole and Shane bearable but every time Frank pops up I get so annoyed. It’s so obvious this bitch is a self absorbed narcissist who is so out of touch.

Over a decade after kicking Sam in the back, physically abusing a female cast member as a man, and he has no remorse still. You’d think theyd have film a conversation between Sam and Frank.

I don’t even think they’ve shown the footage of Frank kicking Sam and calling her a fat bitch. It’s like they’re trying to water down how bad he used to be and he’s doing himself no favors by the way he’s acting on this season. You can tell he has no faith in Sam so he’s just going back to being an arrogant diva. And he’s guising it as “being gay”, or “daddy would never”like bitch shut up”. I’m still waiting for him to apologize to Nany for making fun of her sisters heroin addiction.

I wish he would just own that he’s insecure. Not all gay men use the label as a way to degrade and insult others. And I can’t stand that MTV is putting Frank up as someone to look up to for anything. He’s a bully who doesn’t know how to be happy. It’s just sad that he seems to not have learned from the criticism. All of his abusive actions from the flagship have left me with a sour taste in my mouth.

Think of Nia, she was trouble like Frank back in the day. But she’s genuine grown from her criticisms from being on the show. She carries herself with class. She addresses and has held herself accountable for the mistakes she’s made on camera. Franks done none of that. He’s not “good drama” to me. Just drama.

Throw in Anessa and the challenge has awful gay representation. Even Corey Lay is insufferable. I’m just so sick of seeing men like Frank and Corey get a free pass to be a bunch of bitches because they’re gay.