What do you think the 2024 election candidates would be if this Dummy won in 2020?.

Let's say that "Orange Man Bad" doesn't mess up the COVID situation like hell, plays it safer against Biden in the debates, and uses the "rally around the flag" card. He wins without the popular vote but keeps all the states he won in 2016. What do you think his term would be like, and who do you think the candidates for 2024 would be?

P.S.: I don't think Pence would get the opportunity to be the Republican candidate, to be honest.

Let's say that "Orange Man Bad" doesn't mess up the COVID situation like hell, plays it safer against Biden in the debates, and uses the "rally around the flag" card. He wins without the popular vote but keeps all the states he won in 2016. What do you think his term would be like, and who do you think the candidates for 2024 would be?

P.S.: I don't think Pence would get the opportunity to be the Republican candidate, to be honest.