Can someone please help me understand how Carolina “backstabbed” Rose?
From my understanding of the sequence of events. 1. Carolina gets to dance with Grant during the dancing date
Grant tells Rose that he was thinking about her during the “dancing” in what I can only interpret as him saying he was just thinking of her during the dancing date, not specifically when Carolina was dancing with him.
During a private convo, Rose tells Carolina that Grant told her that he was thinking of her while dancing with Carolina.
Carolina gets upset and tells Grant and Grant confronts Rose.
Maybe Rose believes that was said in confidence to Carolina, but I’m lost as to how it wasn’t a. Rude that Rose told her that information and b. Not uncalled for that Carolina confronted Grant about that comment.
Even if I’m aware of the premise that the man I’m trying to marry is dating 15 other women, I still would think it would be crossing a line to tell another woman he was thinking about someone else whilst having an intimate moment with me. Even if he was thinking about Rose, telling her that would be rude and insensitive to the girl he was supposed to be having a moment with and I wouldn’t find that a great quality in a guy, even if he was dating 15 other women.
I’m just confused because it seemed like during last night’s episodes that everyone took Rose’s side about Carolina confronting Grant about that comment.