Viall Files Exploiting Love Island Kendall's Trauma

I can't believe what I just watched???? In Nick and Natalie's recent episode with this seasons's Love Island's Nicole (from Nicole and Kendall, made it to the top 4), Nick is insinuating such invasive, violating things about Kendall after his recent revenge po** leak and displaying such a horrid lack of empathy for such a scary experience. People are rightfully outraged in comments.

If you don't know, Love Islan'd Kendall was extremely traumatized having an intimate video leaked non-consensually to the WHOLE WORLD. He was having panic attacks on live television just days ago, after being triggered by Nicole into talking about it. Nick and Natalie see this and are SMILING while making speculation and generating views off of someone's *non-consensual* trauma. To see them only feed into hysteria about where the leak came from and not how he could be feeling is so horrible. Speculation like this is harmful, unethical sick behavior. Stuff like this is why survivors continue to be re-traumatized. And Love Island already has an incredibly sad history of contestant mental health. Nick is continuing it and the fact that Nicole is buying into it is worse. Why do Nick and Natalie even have a platform anymore? As if Nick didn't date a child...

My blood is boiling. I won't link to him but this creator Kahlen Barry did a good job breaking down what was said and how disgusting this is.

Edit 1: He kept on speculating and implying things about Kendall's sexuality over and over, like he was really trying to get Nicole to take the bait and claim the same thing.