Tutorial - Customize Termux with ZSH + Oh-my-zsh + Powerlevel10k
If you want to customize the look of Termux one of the best ways is to change the terminal to zsh and use the powerlevel10k theme. Here you have a video of the process (it's quite fast) and a picture of how it can look like.
How to customize Termux: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqPyEN9h87c
Tip: to display the icons when using the "ls" command you should use "lsd" instead. The good thing is that "lsd" is in the termux repositories so it is very easy to install it. Note that this same process can be used in proot-distro distros to have nice looking terminals.
In the image you can see how the Android icon changes to Debian when I connect to the distro in proot-distro because I have configured powerlevel10k in the same way inside Debian and Termux.