These girls should’ve left them…
I watched the last episode last night, and I hate them all. 1. Tyler. He literally was in a marriage for 6 years, then immediately got into a relationship with Tayler and then left her for this girl Kay. I wonder if the same thing happened in his marriage. He reminds me so much of my ex it’s bad. 2. Grant. Grant is soooooo selfish. He literally blames Ashley and doesn’t take accountability. He literally had sex with a girl 6 years younger than him within like two days. And then he has the audacity to literally cry like a baby when he sees Ashley with Danny! 3. Brion. Brion is soooooo disrespectful and disgusting. He literally had a threesome, didn’t have any regret, blamed it on his childhood, and even still Shante stayed with him. I literally can’t. 4. Lino. I guess Lino was ok but he kept whining about being second choice when literally she was proving herself. They should’ve all left a long time ago!