I’m struggling with my first telescope

I got a Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 130AZ, Newtonian Reflector. It’s a 130 mm. It came with a 25mm and a 10mm lens. It has a scope laser finder, as well as a smart phone dock so you can align it and connect with the app, and find whatever you’re looking for. I am struggling to understand all this stuff, and frankly I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I know what I’m looking at, the app, and star finder make that easy. But planet viewing is subpar, and I’m sure it’s user error. I got a decent glimpse of the moon tonight and saw pretty good detail. But everything else, just looks like a star. Jupiter was in plain sight, but looking through my telescope with the 25mm lens, It looked not much different than what I could see with my naked eye except I could see the 4 moons, that I couldn’t see with out my telescope. I tried and tried to focus it, but it never did look like a disc or a planet, just looked like a star. I know that it’s a beginners telescope, but surely I should be able to see at least some detail of Jupiter. I’m sure I’m missing something as I have only used this scope 3x now, and I’m still trying to figure all of this stuff out. Any insight on what you guys think I could be doing wrong is so much appreciated. Like I said, I’m brand new to this, so if you can, dumb it down for me. Lol. I’m including a screenshot of my telescope, some details of it, and the picture I got of Jupiter so you can see what I see when I look through it. I do plan on getting a Barlow lens, and some filters to go with it eventually, but I want to know what I’m doing before I invest any more money. I also want to mention that I found Venus, it of course was huge as well, and I got the same result. Looks like a star. No detail whatsoever. Thank you so much for taking the time to help this newbie.