Rewatch Part 12 - It’s not just C&T and their clown show, pics just clumped by cast 🤡

  1. Cate in her clown pants feeling confident while she proudly states that they knew exactly what they signed. I want to be clear, this was filmed AFTER Dawn explained the contract to them AGAIN. They have always known what they agreed to, they have always said they wanted closed at first and decided on semi-open.

  2. “cARLy iDoLiSeS uS” bitch please. She was mesmerised by the Michigan Freak Show 🎪🤡 as all kids are when they visit the god damn CIRCUS.

  3. It is absolutely shocking to me that she’s 24 here.

  4. The storyline of her being “mentally fucked up” is dragggging. Yes, mental health is so important but this is her tag line while her and Tyler are actively trying for a second Not-Carly while Nova is picking up fried dog shit inside their house.

  5. Mackenzie gettin wild with the McKinneys! Plantation weddings getting trashy is no surprise.

  6. The things that matter - number one on that list being branding your wedding cake so everyone knows about your cheap cotton tees with the cheap faux leather non-functional pocket.

  7. Maci is so fucking cringe I die. It’s giving ✨ I have no personality so I’m going to steal bad ass slogans from cheap wooden signs that I see on Pinterest ✨

  8. Ryan on the nod after hearing Macis self serving vows that had nothing to do with Taylor.

  9. Just casually chatting about my boob job and lipo in front of my young impressionable daughter 💁🏻‍♀️ give her a good last memory before I don’t see her for a month 💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️

  10. Amby is trying so hard to be old Hollywood.. Amber as Marilyn and Matt as Brando. But if you put lipstick on a pig.. it’s still a fucking pig.

  11. Wearing her mans jacket on the way to get a mommy makeover 😷

  12. Still filming in the garage because her fancy house in the fancy neighborhood is Portwood AF (aka messy and rotting within)