I just finished a book, it wasn't terrible but it definitely wasn't good

It had it's moments I guess. Nothing really happened in the book until the very end... 300 pages later and I gained nothing except a slight fear that my long lost sister that my mom pretended drowned in a bathtub is gonna climb in my window and kidnap me then tie me up and leave me in a storage container. It also had an extremely large amount of unnecessarily unused words but in very obvious chunks. So for a few chapters she would decide to use all the but words with no explanation then no big words then big words but with the characters knowing they used big words and explaining them. It also had moments that just made me uncomfy. Overall I am a bit disappointed. If I am going to be scared to sleep in my room for a few nights I at least want it to be from a decently written horror not this. But it's all cool since I probably don't have a evil sibling who is gonna torture me.