I don't even know what to title this.
For reference, a few weeks ago I started dating a girl who liked me. My friends knew that I would eventually cave in and let her date me. She is very kind and sweet, and would never hurt a fly. Back to the point, she texted me about a week later saying that our relationship should be private, since her friends were making comments that I dont want to say since they are inappropriate. I was fine with this, but I promised my friends we were still dating. Then, around 2 days later, she said she wanted to break up, since she was also the daughter of a math teacher who I had a pretty bad relationship when when I had her. I was obviously heartbroken, but I understood because her mom didn't really approve of me. Most of my friend group was supportive, since they were some of the first people who I became friends with after I moved 2 years back. But, 1 of my friends started making comments like "this is why she broke up with you" for just no reason at all, I could be doing a normal thing and she'd say that. I'd learn to just ignore it. Then, another of my friends started doing it, saying the same things, along with calling me fat and ugly and unattractive, etc. I tried to just smile through, although I had talked with my parents about it. This was one of my closer friends so it hurt a little more. I finally snapped after the first person who became my friend did the exact same thing as the first. I texted to all three of them that they could go fuck themselves because they weren't getting nobody anytime soon. I said that it wasn't funny that they made fun of and harassed me, who's parents could be divorcing (second divorce in my family) and dealing with the insults and just trying to hide it all. I said they don't deserve a lover if they act like this, and that I will stop responding to them and cut myself off. After that, some of my other friends comforted me, trying to make me take back what I said or apologize, but I didn't. One of them said that she was sorry for saying those things and that she didn't realize how mean she was being. I responded saying that she must be an idiot for not realizing that those comments hurt, and that i might starting saying the same things back so she knows how I feel. She left me on read and that was 2 days ago. I don't want to let them go but at the same time being friends with them feels wrong, because they were the first. I don't know what to do. I haven't talked with my ex since we broke up, she ignores me when we walk past each other, and it really hurts to see her just ignore me.