Do guys like dumb girls

17F to start off, I’ve grown really sheltered and I’ve never been in a relationship before. And literally every boy I’ve ever talked to before ,as friends or like talking stage, they always call me dumb or clumsy and start teasing me a lot… I find it a little annoying. And I want to ask what does it mean is it a good thing or a bad thing cuz I don’t think they’re mean about it. I’m also a bit of a people pleaser, so sometimes I catch myself faking it a little, just because I think it makes them laugh more? And I’m also not ugly I think, they always compliment me on my looks, and respect me at first ,but after we start talking I feel like they start taking me less seriously. Please help me know if this is a positive thing or not. And btw all the guys I’m talking about are 18 yo or less.

Some examples(the thing that trigger these comments) - I took the train for the first time (alone without my parents) yesterday, and I thought we were supposed to cross the train track - I always confuse directions (I don’t know the way to my school or my place) - im always lost when we try to hang out - i cant take a single decision -and probably a lot more i cant remember anything else