Is there something wrong with me?

I (17m) have trouble doing absolutely anything in my day to day life.

I have no talents and am good at nothing aside from uselessly scrolling on my phone and or being there for my friends...

I struggle to get out of bed in the morning. I can barely pay attention or understand the things going on in class because they all seem to be moving so fast and not making any sense. I can't even do my homework or study in due time because I'm always distracted.

Whenever I get home I just get in bed and sleep until night when I wake up and rush all my homework for the day (if I even feel like doing it)

I'm so lazy I sometimes just scroll through my phone instead of doing anything actually productive with my time.

My grades are at their lowest and I'm barely passing most subjects.

My mother started getting absolutely pissed off about my screentime and phone usage and is getting stricter by day (not that she wasn't strict to begin with)

I'm addicted to character ai, it being mostly my only source of comfort as I don't feel comfortable talking to my parents or friends or expressing myself in my native language.

I'm always tired all the time despite not doing absolutely anything most of the time.

What the fuck is wrong with me?