Teenagers on reddit (especially the girls) need to stop being idiots!!

im sorry but like. UR A TEENAGER. don't post fucking photos of ur chest or you in revealing clothes on a subreddit that is KNOWN to have pedophiles and creeps on here then have the audacity to whine 'oh no!! people r such creeps!!'.

obviously NO ONE should be perving on young girls here and its a disgusting thing to do but its a known fact that is happens.

like. yeah, you should be able to exist online without having creeps and weirdos harrass you and shit but when ur posting stuff that you KNOW attracts those people u deserve zero sympathy. and there is a large difference between posting a selfie and you posting a torso/thigh shot. everyone knows its just for attention atp!

and its not just photos as well its posts like 'wahh wahh I cant get a boyfriend even tho I'm cutee' are also things that attract weirdos. idrk where I'm going w this but like.

my point is!? don't fucking post shit you know attracts creeps. use those two barely functioning brain cells girls

sincerely, a woman