M-Audio M-Track Solo driver issue?


  1. Had an issue where it seemed like voicemeeter was picking up M-Track Solo's drivers.
  2. Tried repairing & removing -> redownloading driver => did not work due to error
  3. Tried going to services.msc and doing something there => did not work due to error
  4. Tried uninstalling windows updates => did not work due to the updates coming back

[The Question]

Is there any other option that I can do to fix this issue?

[The Start]

Hi, I use voicemeeter (banana) to re-route my audio interface with Voicemeeter AUX Input in order to play rocksmith 2014. I use something called RSASIO to use an asio input device (in this case my audio interface's second track) to send to rocksmith. (I am currently using Windows 11.)

[The Issue]

The problem is that I noticed that on voicemeeter, the output device I chose (A1) was flashing red, and with some searching I found out the drivers were an issue, and voicemeeter seemed to not be picking them up.

[What I Tried]

So then I tried to repair the driver using the driver that was given in the product page of the M-Audio M-Track Solo.
( This can be found here: https://www.m-audio.com/support/downloads )

However, when I tried doing that I noticed there was an error message, "Service 'M-Track Solo and Duo Audio Device Monitor' (MTrackSoloDuoAudioDevMon) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start ssytem services."

I again looked up into this, and found some similar cases (but they were not related to my driver issue).
From the sources, it stated that I had to use services.msc, find the service, go to Properties, go to the Log On tab, change the setting of 'Log on as:' from 'Local System account' to 'This account', choose a specific account, enter password and click apply.
So I did that and started the service from the general tab and got another error that said, "Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fasion."

Again, I searched, but could not reach a suitable conclusion in trying something else in this path.

I believe this happend after an update that I did yesterday, due to being able to play rocksmith without trouble 2 days prior.

So another thing I tried was trying to uninstall the recent updates. However, after clicking uninstall for the updates that were in Settings -> Update history -> Uninstall updates, when I rebooted the laptop, the updates were back.


I have also tried removing -> reinstalling voicemeeter